NORDIC and PACIFIC LEIPZIG was due to a personal encounter in Copenhagen. Bettina Senff, institute director of the Goethe-Institut Denmark, and Anna-Louise Rolland, founder of LIA – Leipzig International Art Programmes, got to know each other at a Res Artis conference of world wide artist in residencies in autumn 2017. One year later eleven artists came from Island, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finnland by invitation of the Goethe-Institut to Leipzig to live and work for three months in the artist residency LIA. Besides their own work they had the opportunity to study the technique of etching and cooperate with Vlado & Maria Ondrej – Atelier für zeitgenössische Radierung Leipzig to create an etching.

2019 - 2022 | Auflage: 7 Stk. | 70 cm x 50 cm
Entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe Institut; Leipzig International Art Programm und AONE Deutschland